My Twelfth Most Important Election
(But this time they promise it really will make a difference)
Most of my readers know that I no longer vote for the lesser of two evils every 4 years. I’ve found that voting for a great El Jefe’ to rule over me has *never* provided me with more liberty and has *never* made a difference as far as the policies of the federal government, or the ever-increasing power of the 3 and 4 letter agencies that actually run things in America. Voting for a lesser of two evils is still voting for evil. I do still participate in voting for local and state representatives, because what happens where I live actually does affect my life. A perfect example of this is the “lockdowns,” masking, and other medical tyranny that were implemented world wide starting in March of 2020. If it wouldn’t have been for our local elected officials here, we would have been just as “locked down” as many other places were. (I still would not have complied)
For my entire adult life (since becoming voting age) I have heard, “this is the most important election of our lifetime.” During especially difficult political times over my lifetime I have heard, “this time it *really* is the most important election of our lifetime.”
How is it with twelve “most important elections” that I haven’t seen any difference? The rhetoric is the same. The personalities of the selected candidates are the same. The ridiculous scripted answers to questions are the same. The inability of the candidates to mention the real issues facing the country is the same. The arguments are the same. The debates are the same. Almost *everything* is the same! The only thing that is done once in awhile is the rhetoric is revised to fit whatever pet issue is popular in the culture at the time.
Every single president over my lifetime has done things that further erode my liberty. It hasn’t mattered whether the “R” won or the “D” won. The “R’s” implement their tyranny covertly while maddening crowds of fans cheer for it. The “D’s” implement their tyranny overtly while enforcing the things that the “R’s” setup (and their fans cheer as well). This is a fact. Plain and simple. One only needs to shake their head and do a bit of thinking and remembering to confirm this. And, they need to be willing to admit that one person “in charge” of 350 million people is not going to be able to do what their cheerleaders think they can.
It’s disappointing that so many people fall for all of this. Not the voting part, but the division part. These talent shows are purposely setup to divide us. Why can’t people see it? Especially after what we experienced in 2020? The same tactics are used every single time, and they work every time as well. I can imagine these media moguls, dirty politicians, world “leaders,” philanthropaths, and Hollywood agenda pushers rubbing their hands together behind the scenes while exclaiming, “It’s working again!” “We don’t have to do anything differently!” They use the same playbook because it works. And we let it.
I’ve made this vow in another post and I’ll make it here again: Regardless of who “wins” the (s)election, if anything changes: If we have more liberty. If medical tyranny is stopped. If the wars (ALL of them) are stopped. If the “climate change” agenda is stopped (and I mean STOPPED). If the constitution is adhered to. If we have *more* free speech, not less. If we, well, you get the idea. I will absolutely apologize for not placing my hope in one of these “great leaders.” I will be happy to admit I was wrong.
So, vote for whoever you want for “dear leader” in November. I will not criticize you. I won’t berate you. I may chuckle a bit at your unwillingness to see this whole charade for what it is though. After you vote for your favorite great leader and then return home to watch the playoffs of the “most important election of our lifetime” please at least be honest enough to remember that this is just one of numerous “most important elections” and that, more than likely, there will be very few changes to our bloated, overextended, war-mongering, greedy, and tyrannical government because of your vote for one person in a country of 350 million.
As always… the change we are looking for begins by looking in the mirror to see who can affect that change, and by actually *living* that change regardless of the consequences. Change does not come by voting once every 4 years. One person in a swamp of absolute pure evil (regardless of their intent) cannot, and will not give us our liberty back. We only gain our liberty back when we become peacefully ungovernable and stop falling for the total mind-screw they’ve been playing on us for decades.
Good luck everyone. I hope that your favorite guy or gal wins. Because, as always, if the “right” one wins, we can all go back to sleep until the next “most important election of our lifetime.”
It's been selected already.
We know this because both parties haven't called out the real issue with voting: electronic voting machines that are only controlled or seen by the company that makes them.
Instead they fight over mail in ballots and illegals voting....
Distractions from the truth, that elections are selections.
Agree with you Rob. It does not seem to matter which tee shirt the 'winner' of the last, or next, election wears. Seems as if they are just figureheads anyway.
As Mark Twain is famously reputed to have said, "If voting made a difference, they wouldn't let us do it."
But I'm gonna vote anyway!