With the Tucker Carlson/Putin interview coming up tonight 02/08/2024, I felt I needed to reflect on the reasons why we are being told that we absolutely must hate Russia and Putin. Unfortunately, I couldn’t think of anything off the top of my head, but here is what I did think of:
Putin didn’t shut down American churches for a so-called “pandemic”.
Putin didn’t close millions of small American businesses for a so-called “pandemic”.
Putin didn’t mandate American people wear an oxygen depriving medical device or “diaper of fear” during the “pandemic”.
Putin didn’t burn down and blow up dozens of food processing plants in America.
Putin hasn’t (to my knowledge) told Americans they are going to have to eat bugs and drink sewage.
Putin didn’t tell Americans they would have to get an experimental Mod RNA gene therapy before they could work or participate in society.
Putin didn’t install millions of cameras all over America to spy on it’s citizens.
Putin didn’t shut down oil and gas pipelines in America.
Putin hasn’t, to my knowledge, threatened to ban gas stoves, coal fired pizza ovens, or your personal vehicle in America to “save the planet”.
Putin didn’t put sick people in nursing homes in 2020 – 2021 that ultimately killed the elderly.
Putin didn’t demand that sick people be intubated and given a poisonous drug called Remdesivir that ultimately kills a large percentage of those who it has been given to.
Putin didn’t raise our property taxes to the point that made it almost impossible for many to stay in their homes.
Putin didn’t demand that Americans have a swab shoved up their noses to get a bogus “covid” test before they could travel domestically or hold a job.
Putin didn’t open America’s Southern border and let untold *millions* of “migrants” flood into America unchecked (which will eventually bankrupt the southern border states).
Putin isn’t trafficking children on America’s Southern border (to my knowledge).
Putin isn’t telling American children to stay confused about their gender and convince them they need to have their genitals chopped off.
Putin hasn’t hefted the “rainbow” flag above America’s government buildings.
Putin didn’t tell people without symptoms they needed to stay locked in their homes for a “pandemic”.
Putin hasn’t bought up (and locked up) millions and millions of acres of fertile farm land in America.
The list is almost endless… I can think of lots more. The point is, Putin didn’t do any of this stuff but our own government and corporations have (and are) doing this stuff. Yet, we are constantly told we are supposed to hate Russia. For what? I’m still trying to figure out what side I’m supposed to be on. (Anyone who knows me knows I *don’t* take sides in these things)
How about we just stop meddling in other country’s affairs and mind our own business? Looking at just the “short” list above, I think we have enough problems of our own that we don’t have any right to dictate to Russia (or any other country) how they should manage their affairs.
I typically don’t watch long form interviews, but I think I’m going to watch the Tucker interview tonight. What are all of these talking heads and government goons/”officials”/politicians so afraid of? Why are we being told we absolutely shouldn’t watch this interview that Tucker Carlson has been put on a kill list for? That makes me want to watch it even more.
No, Putin *didn’t* do anything. The U.S. State and Local governments (along with their cronies in corporations and the media) in America DID. And they most definitely don’t want Americans finally realizing that the enemy isn’t abroad. It’s within.
"Americans finally realizing that the enemy isn’t abroad. It’s within".
Always has been.
Actually Putin didn't mandate mRNA but he let places mandate their own equally shit clot shots.
Actually he also allowed them to lockdown.
Just like China.
Check Edward Slavsquat out.
And now this authoritarian anti freedom law