About 2 months ago I decided it would be a good idea to go see some family I hadn’t seen since my harrowing experience at the Denver airport in July of 2020 where I was the only person I could see without a giant black face diaper over my face. I’ll never forget the wild eyes of those around me. Most of you have witnessed the strange eyes that poke out from the top of one of these despicable useless fear symbols. The eyes of those who wear these damn things have no life in them. There’s no sparkle. There’s no joy. Typically, what we see are dead eyes full of fear and some kind of other thing I haven’t quite been able to put my finger on.
Anyway, I faced this trip with some trepidation. Especially since the world’s “leaders” and “health” officials have been warning of a scary, scary, scary “virus/variant” that’s supposed to be released, (oops, I mean spread, ahem) throughout the public once again. Demands for masks and lockdowns have been whispered about in the media and government, along with some insane masked minions who have been protesting demanding that the entire world spend the rest of their lives unable to breath. This always baffles me, of course, because no one has ever told anyone they *couldn’t* restrict their own oxygen “for the greater good”. To top it all off, “vaccine” manufacturers have “magically” produced a brand-new experimental soup (with mystery ingredients we aren’t allowed to see) that is to be released “just in time” for the “new” “variant” and are urging people to get ready to line up and get their “booster”. Heaven help us.
So, I better get to the point here. I must admit I was delightfully surprised during this trip! Oh yes, I did see masks on some people (and could care less as long as they weren’t demanding I wore one “for them”), but for the most part, people aren’t having any of this crap anymore. There were a few older people who were obviously coughing and hacking and they were masked up. I saw the typical green haired witch with her/he/she/it/they giant black diaper on as a symbol of their incredible virtue. The most surprising thing to me was the number of so-called “men” I saw proudly sporting the diaper. Good Lord. It made me realize why we are in the situation we are in. “Men” slithering around in fear…
The most dystopian thing I noticed was at the major airports. When I boarded the plane in Denver, the attendant who greeted me at the door was wearing the biggest and blackest face diaper I had ever seen. She/he/it/they was wearing blue examination gloves and was holding a basket of alcohol wipes that she/he/it/they were using a pair of tongs to hand out to the happy boarders. I felt like I may have accidentally knocked on the wrong door and yelled trick or treat; only to be tricked. To my surprise, most people were ignoring her/he/she/it/they and walking right by and smiling and saying hello to the *unmasked* attendant that was 5 feet from them. I loved it! This same attendant and one of her/he/she/it’s assistants wore their virtue diapers throughout the entire flight. Neither of them smiled or looked happy. It was like the lack of oxygen had sucked the joy right out of them. But thank goodness they were “safe” right? Good grief.
I visited family in “The Bible Belt” and I had a great time. I saw Amerikan flags flying, a rebel flag here and there, and a bunch of Jesus Saves signs. The only person I saw wearing the diaper of doom was at a restaurant we went to on my last day there. This server wore the mask *on their chin* the entire time we were there. (Luckily, they weren’t our server, because I absolutely would have said something). The only face diapers I saw on my trip besides that one was at the airports. I did notice a few more on the return flight and I’d be willing to bet that they were people who stay glued to Fox, CNN, PBS, and MSNBC where they can be sure to get the “truth” about how sick we all should be any minute now. How a big virtue diaper will save the world from the truth, oops, I mean “virus.” So, please, scare yourself sick. We need some more of that Pfizer money!
When boarding the plane for the return trip, I was greeted by the same insanity: A diapered flight attendant standing there with a giant basket of Halloween alcohol wipes. I did not see *anyone* take one! I smiled inside as I realized that *maybe*, just maybe we have a chance. Maybe people aren’t as stupid as I had been led to believe in 2020. But it’s probably too soon to say.
So… just a few tidbits from my trip:
I’m terrified for the youth of this world. Remember, I visited the Bible Belt and my Nieces and Nephews were chomping at the bit to tell me about the litter boxes in the schools for those insane “children” whose so-called ”parents” let them think they are cats. How these same “furries” even wear tails to school. They went on to tell me that they have kids in their schools who are “gender confused” and are “playing transition” to another sex. My heart ached as I hoped and prayed that my loved ones would not fall into this transhumanist hell-hole-trap. Parents can only do so much if they are going to drop their children off at the enemy’s camp for 8 hours a day. Ugh!
I got to witness first hand a boy/girl/non-binary freak show at a restaurant. This thing was about 20 years old (and I know it was a male). It was wearing pajamas and flip flops. They had facial hair, was wearing makeup, and had their toe nails and finger nails painted purple. It sat at a table with what appeared to be it’s “mother” wearing giant headphones and for an hour bobbed it’s head and jerked it’s body around to whatever beat was pounding into their head. Yet, we aren’t allowed to say that these people are mentally ill? This thing was obviously in need of some serious counseling. And possibly a lobotomy.
While on my trip, I got to hear from my cousin who has taken every single “vaccine” for “covid” and all the subsequent “boosters”. She has not been in her right mind ever since and has been going down hill quickly with numerous physical and mental issues. She proceeded to tell me that everyone who attended her birthday party at a restaurant has come down with “covid” (because they all rushed out and got tested as soon as someone had a stomach ache). I had to bite my tongue as I was thinking, um, have you ever heard of flipping food poisoning??? And, have you ever heard that a person can literally convince themselves they are sick??? In essence, we can scare ourselves sick! She proceeded to tell me that they are all quarantined because the “incubation” period is 2 to 14 days, but she was so relieved when her “doktor” mentioned that a shiny new “vaccine” is magically being released for the “variant” they had. She signed up right away. Yay.
In summary, I came home from my trip just a *tiny* bit more hopeful than I was when I left. But I am not letting down my guard! I do not celebrate Halloween, but I have a feeling that the monsters of this world still have more tricks than treats up their sleeves.
Sadly, as long as people still believe in "the science" , they'll keep falling for the scam of re-labeling sicknesses as viruses, instead of the real cause which in this case was food poisoning.
The tests pick up sicknesses as "viral sequences", even if those sequences found are actually the result of cell damage, not the cause.
I'm optimistic about the future. Less and less trust the CDC etc... so much so that Mandy Cohen is doing a tour to regain trust. The wef also mentioned the trust issue a while back.
What's hilarious is that they think they can regain trust not by being honest, but by playing more bullshit games. It's not going to succeed.
March 2020 covid was the perfect storm. Fragments of it will be here for the rest of our lives, but we won't see the same level of insanity again. Instead, I think that the next big battle will be food. That flies under most people's radar right now, but I think they're going to be in for a rude awakening soon.