There is an old song by Tennessee Ernie Ford called “Sixteen Tons” which talks about coal miners “owing their soul to the company store”.
Company stores were monopolies setup (usually by mining companies) to enslave the workers. Workers owed everything to “The Company.” Oftentimes, “The Company” owned everything. The mine. The housing. The businesses in the town. The hospitals. Everything!
Most people have forgotten about these company stores and the danger they posed to society. Most of these physical Company Stores and Towns have been gone for decades, instead, we are in an age where “company stores” are in vogue again and people don’t even realize it. Most of these new company stores are digital, which hides the fact that they are monopolizing *everything* we need to live.
We have been groomed to shop at places like, Walmart, and numerous other huge corporations. Has anyone noticed how companies like Amazon and Walmart now have “everything you could ever need” *including* Pharmacy, so-called “Health Care,” Food, and many other services? These companies have been sneaking in more and more of these goods and services while getting us used to only shopping at the Company store. Mark my words, if this continues, these corporations will begin providing housing and transportation. It’s coming.
Who is “The Company” in this new era of “company stores”? It’s the U.S. Government! How many of us remember in 2020 when Government decided which businesses were “essential”? It was only the big businesses (the chosen “company stores”) that were given magical power to stay open during “the worst pandemic in world history.”
Here’s kind of the way I see it in a layman’s nutshell: The government, via taxation, decides how much money we get to keep, and how much that money is worth, using the unconstitutional Federal Reserve. Then the government tells us (or pushes us) as to where we can spend that worthless money. They coerce us into living a life “they” want us to live so they can continue to control everything we do from the cradle to the grave.
Eventually, if we stay on this track, home ownership, vehicle ownership and numerous other things we enjoy will become an impossibility. We will only be able to spend the money we are allowed to keep on things that “The Company” allows us to (if our social credit score is high enough). We will only be able to live where we are told we can live. Get rides from the approved companies we are allowed to use. Travel only using “The Company’s” approved methods of travel.
We are working for the man. Plain and simple.
We can stop this by opting out.
STOP doing all your shopping, health care, vehicle repairs, pharmacy needs, etc at these government controlled and manipulated company stores! I haven’t shopped at a Walmart (in person or online) since 2020 and I haven’t missed it one bit. STOP sending 125$ a year to Amazon to be a “Prime member”. This is a scam! Full disclosure: I do use Amazon on rare occasions. Last year I placed 6 orders with them for some things I absolutely couldn’t find anywhere else without having to travel several hours or pay insane shipping costs. But, otherwise, I don’t miss Amazon either. We must shop locally. We must support small businesses. I’ve harped about this before, but many people (like with most other things they ask, “what can I do?” about) just continue to participate with the very things that are destroying us.
We must learn to do things for ourselves. We should be one of the most educated societies that has ever lived with the educational resources at our disposal. Almost every one of us should be a “jack of all trades”, instead we are becoming one of the dumbest, laziest, and most unhealthy societies that has ever been on the planet.
We must strive to never “owe our soul to the company store”! We still have the power, but if we don’t start exercising that power we will lose it. The days of being able to enjoy homemade ice cream from a privately owned mom and pop store, a haircut by our local barber or beautician, a massage from our local masseuse, a meticulously crafted meal at a local bistro, an affordable vehicle repair at our local mechanic shop, and numerous other goods and services we have enjoyed our whole lives will be relegated to the history books and replaced with “Sam’s club” and “Amazon Prime”. That’s a world I would prefer not to live in, and it’s a world I don’t want to pass on to my progeny.
We can, and must, shut down these company stores. We do that simply by making them irrelevant to the greatest extent we can. Again, it’s within our power, if we will just take the time to wield that power.
Digital existence is fine.... until the grid goes down! It is always wise to live as if that could happen tomorrow.
You are saying SO MUCH of what I have been saying/thinking, I could have written this myself!
But I'm glad you did it, because it takes a long time for me to type with two dog toenails.