I’ve been re-watching the series “Breaking Bad”. What an incredible series. Oh yes, there’s violence and some other things I don’t prefer but, considering it’s fiction, I believe there’s some great messages that are beneficial to us if we pay attention.
We are usually taught in our youth that greed is a bad thing, one of the “seven deadly sins”. I disagree. I believe there’s a place for greed in our lives as long as we control that greed and use it to benefit ourselves and, more importantly, others.
There’s a difference between greed being a motivating factor that prompts us to create or produce, and greed that turns us into arrogant monsters that creates or produces just to boost our egos.
The character Walter White in Breaking Bad was just a humble school teacher who found out he had life threatening lung cancer and was concerned about leaving money for his family when he died. He didn’t necessarily have a bad life. His family had food, practical vehicles, a decent home, health insurance, and a decent middle-class lifestyle. Walter wanted his family to be able to enjoy that same life after he was gone. He used his talents (chemistry) to begin manufacturing methamphetamine. He originally only wanted to sell enough “meth” to earn $750,000.00 to set up his family so he could die knowing his family would be taken care of. Regardless of whether what he was doing was “legal” or not, his motive was pure. He had “good” greed. Greed with a goal.
Once the money started coming in and he had murdered and maimed people he began to change. He became arrogant and prideful. Even after he had made the $750.000.00 many times over, he refused to stop producing. When the money wasn’t enough anymore, he lusted after more power and control over the people in his life and every aspect of his growing “empire”. The greed that originally motivated him to accomplish a goal to take care of his family consumed him and he turned into a monster. He became arrogant and really believed that no one and nothing could touch him. He would “never get caught” *Spoiler Alert*: He eventually loses everything.
Let’s take a minute and compare the character Walter White to the elitist monsters who are on the world’s stage as of late: Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George and Alex Soros, Barrack Obama, The Clinton Crime Syndicate, The Rothschilds empire, “King” Charles, and dozens of others. These people may have started their journey just wanting to make things better for themselves and their families. I believe a handful of them may have (at one time) cared about humanity and wanted to make a better world. Greed motivated them until they had too much and needed something else to satisfy their desire for more. Their greed turned into a lust for power and control over every living thing on the planet.
These monsters have upped the ante’ and make Walter White look like a choir boy in comparison. Their plans for the world include tracking every living thing on the planet, deciding what people can and can’t eat, determining medical treatments for every living human on the earth, releasing deadly “vaccines” in the name of “health and safety” that kills and maims, stirring up wars all over the planet to create a “much angrier world” (Klaus Schwab), installing technology (blanketing the earth in 5G radiation) that is possibly killing birds and insects, manipulating the weather by blocking out the sun (Bill Gates), pitting races and genders against one another to create division, and numerous other pet projects that don’t benefit anyone but themselves. They get to enjoy the thrill of power and control that their greed has created. A dystopian world where they feel like they are the kingpins and they have all the power. Greed has corrupted each one of these demons to their very cores.
And, they are arrogant enough to think they will never suffer any consequences.
I have good news. Every one of these people are eventually going to lose everything, including their lives. They are going to die just like every one of us. Many of them will die wearing a diaper and defecating themselves as they wither away to nothing. None of them gets to take anything with them. Most likely, none of them will have to live in the hellscape they are creating. Like Walter White, the original goals they had will be a fleeting memory as their bodies turn to dust.
I have a bit of advice for them: STOP. It’s not too late. You can go back to enjoying your money, traveling on your private planes, cruising on your yachts, attending your pathetic fundraisers and parties and just leave the rest of humanity alone. We had a pretty good world. There were problems for sure (problems that their combined trillions *could* fix), but *most* of the world had food and jobs of some kind and could eke out a living and be happy. The third world didn’t complain too much about doing all of the hard labor and were happy to have jobs in farm fields and on ranches and didn’t want to flood into other countries until you monsters shut down their world in 2020 (and left it shut down for 3 years in most 3rd world countries). We don’t mind that your are greedy. Just leave the rest of us the hell alone. What are you going to spend your money on when you are done destroying everything? Are the same people who provide your security, cook your meals and wipe your pompous asses going to be loyal to you when they eventually see they have lost everything by supporting you? When their money no longer works. When they can no longer have decent lives because of the dystopia you are creating? Again: STOP.
In summary, greed can be a good thing. It’s what motivates us to work a bit harder. It can be an incredible tool to be used to provide for a family or a community. But when greed turns us into monsters, it’s no longer beneficial. We must always be on our guard and know when to say, “enough”.
“People who have wealth but lack understanding are like the beasts that perish.” Psalm 49:20
Greed is simply undisciplined desire. Desiring to better one's self and/or family is a good goal. Greed is when the vision of that goal becomes corrupted, and the imagined end state outweighs the values and principles that got one to that point.
Additionally I'd add that the "greed" of the NWO demons will not stop when they die, nor will they suddenly stop on their own. They must BE stopped. It will take good people to make that happen.
(An old joke; You can ask God to dig you a hole, but if you pick up that shovel you're leaning on, it'll get done a lot quicker.)
I agree with John, below. Greed is, in my mind (and John's, apparently), a negative over-doing of need, or, desire, as John says. So maybe it's a bit like saying sometimes selfishness can be taken too far, or something like that. It's just a language thing, and as The Word Herder, I can be a bit ANAL... ;)