My small business has provided support for a “Blue” State Medicaid plan for 1 year now. In that time, I have spoken with more people than I can count who have come down with mysterious issues after taking all their “covid” shots and boosters. Most of these people are between the ages of 20 and 55. And, of course, they won’t even consider that a gene therapy “vaccine” could have possibly caused their demise. (And to be fair, I have no way of *proving* that these issues were caused by the “vaccine” either).
Don’t get me started on the number of parents I speak with whose male children are all autistic. Not to mention the other small business owners who are colleagues whose male children are autistic, or the parents I speak with who need speech therapy for their children because they sent them to school wearing a face diaper for more than 8 hours a day.
Usually, I get a bit frustrated because I am not allowed to say, “Hey! How about not getting any more mRNA gene editing ‘vaccines’?” How about starting to manage your and your family’s health yourself? But, alas, I must bite my tongue. I grumble to myself about how these people (including many colleagues whose autistic children are receiving medical assistance from the state) are sponging off people’s tax dollars… But then… I realize… these people are kind of stuck.
I know we are all supposed to shut up and not talk about “covid” anymore. We are supposed to just “move on” from one of the most criminal conspiracies that has ever befallen the world. I know we are all supposed to pretend like this is all over and we should just go about our business as if nothing happened.
I disagree.
This is just getting started. I’m not trying to be “doom and gloom”, I’m just pointing out reality as I see it. The monsters aren’t done and people are still experiencing injury and death from what has already been done. But… we need to just move on, right? We need to forget about it all and walk around with our heads in the clouds, pretending like nothing has happened. Pretend the destruction of America isn’t happening. After all, we can still go to McDonalds, the movie theater, football games, and we can get that 12 pack of beer, right? Never mind that everything costs double what it used to, but hey, we are still in the land of the free and home of the “brave” right? Nothing to see here. Let’s just forget it all happened. Let’s do what us Americans are good at… pretending like nothing ever happened and pretending like the things that have been done won’t be used to implement even more destruction down the road. Nah… USA! USA! USA! right?
Why aren’t we demanding accountability?
They know what they did.
They know what they are doing.
So, is there anything we can do about any of this by being aware of it? Probably not (except to be prepared mentally, physically and spiritually, of course). But isn’t it healthy to have a bit of anger at those who have conspired to help destroy our country and kill and maim millions of people? Why is it that with other atrocities committed throughout history we are told to “never forget”, but with 9/11, Oklahoma City, “Covid”, and numerous other horrors we are supposed to just move on. Maybe if we wouldn’t have “moved on” from some of these other things we wouldn’t be where we are right now.
What I said above was a long winded and roundabout way of asking, “Who should pay?” Who should pay the medical bills for the people I speak to every day who were duped into trusting the Media, Politicians, “Health Authorities”, and others? Personally, I don’t think it should be the state Medicaid plans (that use people’s stolen tax dollars) that pay for these injuries.
It’s time for Politicians, the WHO, the CDC, Corporations, Media Talking Heads, The FDA, Cowardly Doctors and Nurses (the ones who *never* questioned this poison and made repulsive dancing videos lauding an experimental gene editing platform), (and anyone else you can think of who coerced, tricked, and scared people into becoming lab rats) to have their budgets and salaries confiscated world wide to come up with the billions of dollars it’s going to take to care for and treat the “vaccine” injured and those who can no longer work because of their injury.
Who’s going to pay? Right now, it looks like it’s you and I who will be paying for this long-term death and misery, while those who caused it are still laughing all the way to the bank.
After our intelligence agencies failed to stop 9/11, we decided that we needed *another* intelligence agency to make sure something like that would never happen again. I bet we'll see the same thing here. The FDA and the CDC didn't protect us, so we need another entity to supervise them. Obviously.
Question: Who SHOULD pay?
Answer: The incompetent, the immoral, the avaricious, the utterly evil creatures who, maliciously, with evil intent, are destroying the freest, richest societies the world has ever known. To enrich themselves.
Reality: Who WILL pay?
Answer: Us! You and I. The people who AIWAYS pay. And our children, and grandchildren. And ...
Our so-called "western liberal democracies" are collapsing. Economically, socially, and morally. All over the world. Europe, like the US, has been invaded by millions of people who brought their own laws with them. And for the inhabitants of the countries so rudely invaded, the western 'rule of law', centuries in development, has been supplanted by 'rule by bureaucratic decree'.
"Green" policies, in the UK, Germany, Holland, Belgium, and even Sweden, have, in effect, made it illegal for people to heat their homes, or grow food to feed their families. And that 'death by regulation' has not spared the Americas. US and Canadian governments, at all levels, are taxing, or even rationing fuel, banning fertilizers, mandating non-functional wind and solar power, and even prohibiting families from raising their own beef or poultry.
This period of deliberately induced panic, this deployment of a scamdemic to use “public health” as an excuse to strip the last vestiges of freedom from a confused and frightened population, was an incredibly successful experiment in thought control. True, a small number of people made very, very, large amounts of money. But the real success was not in the creation of a few hundred more billionaires.
The real triumph was the discovery that ALL of the would-be totalitarians, our wanna-be lords and masters: the pubic health people, the climate cultists, and the thousands of parasitic NGO's feasting on the corpses of the western democracies could all band together – to achieve their authoritarian goals.
And you know who the losers are!