Oh, I already like her, she's so very on the ball and whippy, too!

Thanks for this, I'll save it for this afternoon, after I get the Do This list hammered... Cheers!

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Okay, post-listen. I think Whitney W is a very sharp and very excellent journalist, and no, I don't get the sense that she's controlled opposition, either. I like that she's careful of her own boundaries and not interested in being a "star." I like her ethics.

I was a bit surprised that someone with her research skills would name people like Bill Gates as part of the ultimate oligarchy... my term... as in, the MOST top of the pyramid of elitist parasite club trying to destroy Humanity. Then again, I hadn't heard of them, either, until just the past year or two... The people behind the people behind the curtain... The shadowy figures called the "Venetians" or "Black Nobility" or "City of London" types.

I hope someone gets her to go find out about these people, because while it would be very satisfying to disempower people like Bill Gates, Soros, Schwab, et al, it would be a very good thing to pull this horrible plant of genocidal, control-freak psychopaths out of the Earth by the roots.

And I suspect that's where many of them are, or will be, when the shit starts to fly... Under ground, literally.

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