I work as an online tutor, so I'm fairly in touch with young people. I've been noticing a trend *away* from political correctness / Marxism / Wokeism / whatever. There's a feeling of dissatisfaction with the new establishment. They can feel that they're being lied to. A lot of young men in particular are waking up and realizing that they're being screwed daily on multiple fronts.

I don't know where it will lead and whether they have the willpower to make real changes, but it's interesting to observe. I foresee a millennial vs. gen z conflict paralleling boomer vs. gen x.

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Where acceptance (of behavior) is not possible and tolerance is simply not enough, there will be conflict, especially, if open, honest and natural/organic discussion is not allowed to occur.

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I think intolerance of intolerance is tolerable.

Seeeeeriously, I've been pretty resistant about tolerating bullshit for ohhhh, my whole life. And it's not even really the TOLERATION, it's the DEMANDING that people behave in the way they're TOLD to behave, or somebody's gonna pitch a fit. Nobody likes that. Nooooobody.


That is why, that why-y-y, you are my shoobie doobie doo.

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