"As traumatic transformations go, the covid operation is up there with industrialisation and de-industrialisation, and for time compression it is out on its own."

"And as for the rabbit hole trope – well, I don't think we’re going down the rabbit hole at all. We’re climbing out of it into the light."

From https://realleft.substack.com/p/no-conspiracies-please-were-reality

Yes! I call this the sequel to 1984. The party lost the trust of the masses. Look how they're trying to make us scared of war with China and Russia.... Meanwhile the oil and money still flows.

What a joke.

To use the Alice in Wonderland analogy, we were hallucinating in wonderland and now waking to real land which is much less insane.

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Wise words, Rob c.

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FINALLY getting to this...

I agree with you now, and I agreed with you then... The Two-Party System is a deliberate exercise in Divide-and Conquer, in my opinion. [Of course I'm right. ;) ]

Your post is really good, glad you brought it back for a second showing-- DEFINITELY still relevant!

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Thanks Word Herder! Yeah, I came across it while doing some digital housekeeping and thought it was relevant during this (s)election cycle. I piss a lot of people off, but it really doesn't matter who gets "installed"... things continue to erode. If there really was a difference, wouldn't we see some positive changes once in awhile? We are almost the same age, and I'm always shocked that people our age continue to furiously wave their R or D flag and fall for all of the division and hype and still *believe* the false promises made by people who's ultimate goal is to *rule* us!!!!

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I keep coming back to the concept of OFFLINE and LOCAL.

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They are TRAINED. It's not just people our age, either.

I tell you what, the biggest obstacle we have to progress is CENSORSHIP and the lies and distortions coming from the MSM. THAT ALONE is huge... Perhaps we might do something about it. If we could do BILLBOARDS... And there was a group of people I read about doing this... Using CARS as billboards. Gets the word out. If we organized and did it all over the country, and even all over the world...

We are stuck in a prison we gladly live in --- THEIR TECH.

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Jun 13Liked by Rob D

Yes, Rob D, still relevant. D's and R's....as George Galloway would say, '' Two cheeks of the same arse.''

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Haha. I hadn't heard that quote before. Exactly! If there was a real difference, wouldn't we see some positive changes once in awhile? In my lifetime, I've only seen things get progressively WORSE no matter which "side" we/they (s)elected. And yet, many people my age make me ashamed when they continue to think, "This time it'll be different! I'll vote really hard this time and I'll get all of my freedom back. Just as long as it's the right guy who's on the right side. The side I fervently believe in. They can do no wrong!" I opt out. Liberty is all that matters and no man, no politician, no great human savior, and no political party is going to provide that. *I* am in charge of my liberty and, man, serafino bueti... I wish people would get that for themselves as well.

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Jun 14Liked by Rob D

100 %.

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lol butt, so true. ;)

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