I’m not sure how many of you have watched the series “Lost”. I remember the first time I tried watching it. Man was lost! Years later I decided to try again and it quickly became one of my favorite series of all time. I never fail to see things I missed whenever I re-watch the series. Please watch this short clip as it applies to my opinion that follows.
We have a large portion of the population in America who seem to believe that by following orders from their self-appointed masters that somehow, they will end up on some higher rung of the societal ladder. These people are willing to do pretty much *anything* they are told. Wear a useless mask. Get a useless “test.” Get a poisonous experimental “vaccine.” Stay in your house. Do not interact with nature. Do not interact with your fellow human beings. Protest and burn down your city. Hate white people. “Trans” your children. Do not eat healthy or take supplements. Do not grow your own food. Do not exercise. And, as always, the list goes on and on.
What is amazing to me is how incredibly naïve these people seem to be. The “lessers” and worker bees in any kind of system *never* end up getting ahead. They end up being just as miserable as the rest of society. We only need to look at Mao’s China, the former USSR, and any other communist, socialist hell hole to see that those at the top *stay* at the top. The “underlings,” once their masters have used up their usefulness, either ignore them until they are needed again, stab them in the back, or (in some cases) kill them.
Ben Linus was the “guy in charge” on the “Lost” Island. He loved his power more than anything on the island. When that power became threatened, he no longer cared about anyone who was loyal to him. He gladly let them be killed, including his daughter (who he actually kidnapped when she was a baby, but he obviously grew to love her in his own way).
Eventually, he ended up losing his power when someone more ruthless than he came to the position of authority on the island. He no longer belonged anywhere.
Luckily for him, there was a group of outcasts and rebels that agreed to take him under their wing. The very people he was persecuting ended up being his new posse. He ended up fighting for his life and well-being with them. He lost *everything*.
Power is an illusion. Even those who think they are all powerful will eventually lose it all. Either because someone “better” than them comes on the scene. Or, because they die… either of natural causes or assassination. Those who think they’ll get ahead in the promised “utopia” by serving masters of some “new” “system” are just fooling themselves. Those who say, “people in the past just didn’t know what they were doing and that’s why the system didn’t work” are in for a rude awakening.
There’s only one system that’s been tried and leaves the fewest amount of people dissatisfied. That system is individual *liberty*. People will always fall through the cracks in any system. There’s no such thing as a perfect one. But centralized, top down, dictatorial control over every thing and every one has *always* failed, has *always* killed millions, has *always* starved millions, and has always caused the most amount of people to live in utter poverty and destitution. And it will fail this time as well.
Unfortunately, we all may have to live through a lot of hell before those pushing this nightmare on society realize just how wrong they were.
Cheer up, Rob. Their power is slipping away, and they know it. They're not going to go down without a fight, but it's not 2019 anymore.
Society has produced many narcissts and narcissistically wounded people, especially during prosperous times for the empire.
They lack a true ego, they follow the "tribe". Unfortunately, their tribe serves a master.
Did you know that children that grew up in narcissistic families and societies end up having the same issues as adult children of alcoholics?