Cheer up, Rob. Their power is slipping away, and they know it. They're not going to go down without a fight, but it's not 2019 anymore.

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Yeah, maybe my last line was a bit negative. Haha. That's ok tho. The point of the post, of course, was that the monsters always lose in the end. I'm still not going to rush out and put a down payment on a 75,000$ pickup tho. We have a ways to go...

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Maybe... ;)

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Yep and even their own plans are based on broken experiments.


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Society has produced many narcissts and narcissistically wounded people, especially during prosperous times for the empire.

They lack a true ego, they follow the "tribe". Unfortunately, their tribe serves a master.

Did you know that children that grew up in narcissistic families and societies end up having the same issues as adult children of alcoholics?

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WELL DONE, Gryffindor!! (Rob D!)

An excellent piece of writing, and excellent content as well. KUDOS.

Here's something I've learned recently, and I'll put it in Doggish, so you can feel free to translate it:

What we FEEL (coming from what we THINK) creates our REALITY.

Let's bring what we want. Spread the Word-- I'm herding it as we speak (woof!). And THIS is what I mean when I think of or talk about "faith." Not religion, but BELIEF.

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I was taught that the word hope should really be replaced with "expectation". I really prefer the word expectation. We believe (expect) something good will happen. (Or bad in some cases). If all we do is have faith and hope that doesn't really show that we truly *believe* that something good can happen or that we have any power. If we *expect* things to happen, I believe that empowers us with that belief that we can and do affect change. If that makes sense. Thank you for your kind words. :) I wrote that on the fly in between business calls and to me it reads like the ravings of a mad man. Haha.

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And by the way, I agree with your "Expectation Theory."

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If that's ravings of a mad man, I hope there are billions more mad men in the world.


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