The first time around, I found I became pretty inured to the death stares directed at my naked face once I'd encountered my first insane meltdown in the grocery store. I also became expert at blithely sprinting past store employees bleating "ma'am...ma'am! you need to wear a mask". It was like cold water. Just plunge in and you'll get used to it :).

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Excellent! I agree... just like everything else in life that has to be learned, the first time is difficult, but as we practice it becomes easier and easier. A thick skin sure helps as well. Haha. I think we have to remember that we don't need (or even want) to be "liked" by these people. I don't care one bit. And, depending on location, we will never see them again. Thanks so much for stopping by Pancake Princess! Haven't seen you in awhile. :)

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I'm always reading...just being fairly quiet of late. Great to be here, Rob D :).

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Also find the “contact tracing” app on your device and shut it OFF! Shut off your blue tooth when you aren’t using it and shut off all location tracing as well!

The problem with phones is that Apple and Google are controlling everything, not you. Nobody has any clue what their phone is doing at any given time. I've started putting my phone in a Faraday bag when I go out. It's the only way to be sure location data isn't being transmitted in the background.

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I'm fortunate to have an old device and I am pretty tech savvy. I'm able to get in and definitely shut off pretty much everything. The new devices... that's a whole other story and the Faraday bag is the best option for sure. Thanks for commenting on the post and good to see you FRI. :)

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Excellent post, Rob. One of the weirdest experiences of my entire life was being the only person walking maskless in the supermarket. Even the people who were not staring at me, were staring at me. Not only that, I broke the ''rules'' by going the opposite way of the ridiculous arrows in every aisle. Talk about being self-concious. Pancake's on target...once you do it a few times it's fine.

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Thanks for chiming in serafino. :-). I'm sure anyone who resisted during "covid" 1.0 has some horror stories for sure. I certainly have a few. I am reminded of one in particular in which a masked minion was so obedient to the "6 foot rule" that she literally tried to take 6 foot steps to land on each "compliance circle" on the floor. I was disgusted by it but, looking back, I have pity for this hopelessly lost soul who bought into the fear, hype, and obsurdity. If they do this to us again, I can only hope that a few more people will openly say NO this time. It kind of looks like a lot of people are getting out ahead of this and saying, "oh hell no!". Lots of folks are saying, "I went along last time, but no way this time!". Fingers crossed! Thanks for your contribution to my post. :-)

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You're welcome Rob. I agree. Especially when it comes to the injections. I know several people who willingly complied last time but are saying no more. These are folks who I thought were likely lost causes, btw. Folks that I've nudged and badgered since spring of 2020, so it really does my heart good knowing that (partially) my efforts were not in vain. Yes, ''fingers crossed.''

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Aug 26, 2023Liked by Rob D

Moving forward I will not submit to their demands. Period.

In 2020 I could see the rationale for "slowing the spread" making the (erroneous) assumption that the information being given, written and shown on every screen was factual. I now know that it was not.

Thankfully I was able to find the surface after the initial flood of misinformation, but alas several in my circle did not until much later. This time though, I will not acquiesce.

I do think that for most, passive resistance will be the key, but a few will also need to be the loud, vocal tips of the spear in the beginning.

As to the tracking and data mining of the tech/security state apparatus, it concerns me, but for now at least it hasn't changed my interactions. The contact tracing, notification, switches are all off, but as we have all seen, Big Brother can turn those off and on at their leisure. I really don't care that some server somewhere has screen shots of me looking at the latest antigovernment corruption meme, while taking a dump, or walking past my phone as I exit the shower (good luck with those NSA...). A cheap burner phone fixes that.

What does bother me is the incestuous ménage à trois of government, tech and pharma writing every script, narrative, screenplay, news bulletin and ad. They have completely distorted reality and far too many peoples perception of reality.

I hope that only the covid cult fanatics will get shots, wear masks and demand fealty. Our job will be to show, that there is a better way.

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Thank you for your candor and your excellent contribution to the post John! Much appreciated. :)

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Aug 26, 2023Liked by Rob D


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You're right.

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You know what is better than saying "no"...? Making new systems that take over the existing corrupt ones.

What is the road out of this mess?


And most importantly SWARMING.

We need to make new systems that we the people control, plugging them into the current systems through representatives willing to decentralize their leadership into citizens assemblies or swarms, then using new and improved and decentralized and transparent versions of Human Swarm Intelligence to govern.

If you never heard of swarming we implore everyone to read this and consider the implications for all of humanity:


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