"The more things change, the more they stay the same". Five years is less than the blink of an eye. Amazon keeps growing. Taking an ever increasing share of retail markets. We have transitioned from obummer to bad man orange to sleepy joe. Amazon is bigger. We have thrown out most of our Constitution. There are fewer, (sadly) small businesses. Birth rates are dropping - all over the world. China pretty much owns the world economy. And Amazon is bigger.

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the last few years have been pretty bad for small business. Great for Amazon.

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Without a doubt! As someone who grew up in a tiny town with the "basics" and traveling to a large store or shopping center was a treat, I've had to work very hard to relearn how to shop with the small guy and be patient. I, like most of us (especially in America), had become addicted to the "one stop shop" for everything. I probably owe Amazon a debt of gratitude for waking me up to who they really are. Society did fine without these monster businesses for a long time and I know that there are still lots of places where making a stop at the produce stand, the butcher, the hardware store, etc is the normal way to shop. When one thinks about it, it's such a more intimate experience. You get to talk to small biz owners and get their feel for things. Often times the owner of the business will be helping customers etc. It's personal. It's human. And it goes against everything the WEF and the technocrats want to turn the world into. Thanks for stopping by Rich.

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I actually think there's a way for small business to out compete Amazon. It is after all no big deal for most of them to allocate an extra hour or so to wrapping up parcels each day without incurring extra labo(u)r costs. And still be able to have toilet breaks.

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Thank you for sharing that great podcast!! Oh I got banned about 7 years ago from ever doing any reviews. It is permanent and cannot be reversed. It is for the rest of my life. I went through the same thing as you, and I didn't do anything wrong. They could not even give me a reason why. I still use them, as they are convenient for me. However, when I truly want to tell a seller about a product, I cannot and it burns me up. Oh well. It is what it is, but still makes me mad.

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I bet you positively reviewed a book that didn't fit well with the narrative. Just a guess.

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Haha! You may be right.

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Jun 27, 2022
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Thanks for listening Just Me! I appreciate it. Yes... we didn't really realize where all of this was heading 4 or 5 years ago did we? If we had a suspicion we were called "kooks". It's funny (not funny haha) that the ones pushing all of this "cancelling" and censorship don't realize that if they get their way, the next speech to be shut down will be their own! I'll never forget how violated I felt when that happened to me. No one would tell me what I did wrong, who I wronged or anything. I felt like an "innocent criminal" for lack of better words. I think the way we stop it is by continuing to speak our minds no matter what. Will it work? Who knows. But I, for one, will not allow their intimidation and false accusations to silence me. Thanks again for your contribution.

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