One of the reasons I'm always going on about the importance of hard physical training is that it also builds mental fortitude. Here's one of my favorite quotes about the subject from Mark Rippetoe --

If your expectations are always those of someone content to live without physical challenge, then when it comes time for mental, moral, or emotional challenge you fail to meet it because you are out of practice. Meeting and overcoming obstacles are skills that can be honed, as opposed to talents with which we are born. The best way to prepare for the inevitable shit that life occasionally hands us all is to live in a way that prepares you for it. If you can treat personal tragedy like a heavy set of 20 squats, you'll do better than someone who has never met any challenge. Intentionally placing yourself in the position of having to complete a task when you don't know if you can is the single best way of preparing to be in that position unintentionally.

Everything depends on us being enslaved to comfort. If we can break that, then they have no power.

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Jun 21Liked by Rob D

100%. As it was in revolutionary times, it was not enough to just stop an unwarranted tax but to free themselves from the tyranny of the king. Today we must not only stop the downward spiral of government control over even the basic idea of feeding oneself, but we must press further to take adequate actions to prevent OUR country, our way of life, from getting this close to the edge of disintegration ever again.

Thanks, Rob, for being a current day Thomas Paine and this patriot thanks all who step up and defend our liberties, our rights and our lives.

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Thanks Brian! I am humbled by your compliment. Always appreciate your input/comments! Have a great weekend.

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Good stuff. Courage is the long game for sure. I think many people weight it up and go for short term pain, hoping for a better tomorrow. Generally they are correct. Things pass and now you don't have to wear a mask, stand on dots or take a shot to keep your job. What they don't understand is that in being compliant they have, to some degree, normalised that aberrant behaviour. Next time they are required to mask up they will reflect on past experience and see it as a normal thing to do. And one day they will wake up in cell eating bugs and wonder how the hell they got here. You cannot comply your way out of tyranny. Courage now is a far better option than a future where your hopes of escape is zero. I remarked to a friend during Covid just how a 12th century Mongolian warrior might react when told he must do a certain ridiculous thing... He'd probably spit in your face and tell you to go fuck a horse. That's the kind of response we need from people. A full throated NO followed by and just who the hell do you think you are?!

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Brilliantly stated, as always, Dollyboy! Thanks so much. You got my blood pumping this morning! Ha!

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Especially for soldiers who've put their life on the line, watching the masses choose autocracy and totalitarianism over freedom and "doing the right thing" must be terribly discouraging.


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Jun 22Liked by Rob D

Fear is the ether that shuts down the soul. And fear is what the establishment used to shut down the soul of western civ is 2020, and beyond.

When the majority of the population has lost its faith, and worships at the altar of commerce, convenience and comfort, it is even easier to flood their senses with fear.

The courageous are not the majority, they never are, but they are always the ones who end up leading.

You are not alone Rob, just in a select, and very important, minority.

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Thanks John! I pray that if/when the next "big thing" is announced by the devils in this world, that more people see through "the great delusion". I've been feeling a "disturbance in the force" (to use a corny Star Wars quote) for the last couple of months as the snakes have been sneaking this "bird flu" garbage into the narrative. I think they are testing us... not with a PCR, but with their propaganda test... to see if we are "ready' for another shoe to drop. Will people cheer the destruction of their food (cattle, chickens, hogs) in the name of safety and in the name of "zero carbon"? I have a bad feeling we're going to get to find out. Thanks again, as always, for participating in the banter on The Rumble Strip!

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Wow Rob, that was one rousing speech there. Bravo. I think you may have actually created some quotes of your own there. Thanks, I needed that today.

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Ha! Always glad to be of service Rob Dubya! Looking forward to your next poem!

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Yeah, ive been trying to get something down, but I think my download is broken 😁, I'll keep working on it

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One of your BEST!

I've been trying to get through all my emails so I can get offline, and yours was the last, and BEST!

Yes, yes, yes, and YES.

And there is NO reason to fear death, but TONS of reasons to fear/stand up to Tyranny.

I say, Let Us Kick Ass. (Our own.)

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23Author

Aww. Thanks Word Herder. I'm always glad to have you barking and yapping here. :)

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Jun 22Liked by Rob D

As someone wiser than me said, "This is not a physical war but a psychological and spiritual war, between good and evil." If you don't believe in God or satan, that premise is still true because good and evil exist if only in ourselves.

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Jun 22Liked by Rob D

I think that this time around, there will be less compliance.

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From your keyboard to God's ears Anna! I think you are right. I am *cautiously* optimistic. Thanks for stopping by. :)

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