Oct 7, 2023Liked by Rob D

Love the bear!! I don't have any alerts except weather, and I'm so thankful for that.

The world survived just fine before all this and we can survive now. I have so much peace not knowing anything that's happening publicly. I always say, if it doesn't affect me, which it literally never does, I don't need to know.

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What's affecting you is EMF's, getting stronger all the time. WE CAN'T SURVIVE THAT. It's everywhere now, and it's killing us, the plants, the insects, the birds... Speak out, and they can ZAP you if they feel like it (yeah, "They"). And this talk about putting these un-Earthly frequencies into the Ionosphere? THAT will be the end of life on Earth.

Okay? YOU ARE NOT SAFE ANYWHERE. It's just a matter of degree.

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I wasn't scared.

I was more annoyed at the paranoia surrounding this story.

There was no substance to it.

I'm not a skeptical person, like I spotted the "died with covid" scam at the start of the pandemic.

I guess it's a new class of people who started to question things who are still not experienced enough to question everything, even " your side" stuff.

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"I was more annoyed at the paranoia surrounding this story." No doubt Rob! I had read quite a few posts and heard some podcasters waxing all conspiratorial about this ridiculous test of the reach of the arm of the great and mighty Oz. I chalked it all up to just another one of their attempts to let us all know "who is in charge" and who we are supposed to listen to at all times. The trial balloons that these monsters keep floating to see which one sticks so they can run with it gets old and tiring: New scary variant, new scary climate change, new scary weather, new scary war, new scary (fill in the blank). This, IMHO, is done on purpose because as soon as they see that something is clicking with the populace they *will* go with it. We have to be smart enough to see and say, "nope, I'm not going to be part of that." Thanks, as always, for stopping by. :)

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Yep. If I hear one more person say "before the Pandemic" I may slap them.

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My wife and I knew it was coming, so we did a test. She turned her phone off. It still came through when she turned her phone back on. I put my phone on airplane mode and in a Faraday bag. It never came through. This might be the only way to *really* stop phones from transmitting data.

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I had mine in a Faraday box. When I opened it (the phone) after the alert was over it showed up, but not the noise part. I'll have to try the airplane mode thing next time.

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Thanks so much for the tips FRI. There's lots of people who (for whatever reason) can't live without a mobile device and wireless plan in today's world (even though I disagree vehemently). I had a feeling that, even though I don't have any radios turned on, that even just connected to WiFi my device would receive this alert... and, it did. The ISPs have done a "great job" at narrowing down every location of every device connected now. Unless a person uses a VPN (which the government is really wanting to make illegal), they know exactly where any device is now in almost all cases. I remember just a couple years ago if I checked my location based on WiFi alone I would get an obscure city and state (without a VPN). Even my ethernet connection (which I use exclusively for everything in my home except the mobile device) used to show I was in a different city in my state. Now, both WiFi and ethernet always shows the actual town and state I am in. Thanks again for your input! :)

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“why wouldn’t you want presidential alerts?” How could you trust anything they said at this point. They’re lying manipulative assholes and they don’t care about our wellbeing or safety. A presidential alert is just a joke. If they said a nuke landed in New York I’m not even sure I’d believe that. I don’t watch any news at all. I figure if it’s that important and I need to know, someone will tell me. I’m often in discussions with people and they’ll bring up something like, oh wasn’t it terrible that woman and her kids, and I’m like, don’t know what you’re talking about. But haven’t you watched the news? This happened and that happened and it was awful. Exactly, that’s why I don’t watch the news. People seem aghast but I just shrug, I am happy.

A funny thing happened recently I received some of my old military files which included the responses from my initial board interview when I was about 18. One of the officers commented, knows absolutely nothing about current affairs. Made me laugh. And I still don’t. So I obviously worked it out from a young age.

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Exactly JJ! Thus the "Freedom over Fear" mantra is appropriate for sure! :) Same with me... I may know a few things about what's going on, but it's usually long after it's already happened. It's funny you got your military records recently. So did I! I had forgotten that I ordered them over 2 years ago. I was a bit nervous when I got this giant yellow envelope from the U.S. guv and there were the records. It was fascinating to read about my life at the age of 18 as seen from the perspective of young bureaucrats who didn't know much more than I did because they weren't really that much older than me. Thanks for your comment JJ. :)

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not only phones.

It was annoying, pathetic and dumb.

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You made my point in 3 words Rosemary! Haha. Thanks as always. :)

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Good points, Rob. My device was nowhere to be seen that day. I ousted my TV in 1991. So, I hear you about all of that. Take care...'' Be Safe! ''

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You're killing me with the Be Safe serafino! Haha. Take care. :)

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You said it first!! You take care, alsoRob.

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Seems one of the main goals of all alerts, ads, breaking news is to jack every one up and keep the emotional vibration state high.

It is more easy for them to beam when all the receivers are energized.

Like piggy back one set of waves on top of another.

The receivers needs to vibrate at the carrier frequency in order to get the messages.

A message is like an energetic massage.

They massage (or try to) our mind to send us messages.

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Great points Kevin. I appreciate that perspective, and I agree. There is so much stuff going on using frequencies anymore. Can you imagine if we could actually *see* these frequencies we are being bombarded with? I'm a spiritual guy and I often wonder if these frequencies are actually kind of the "powers and principalities and rulers of the darkness" (invisible entities) we are told we are battling in the Bible. Just an interesting thought. Thanks for contributing to the banter! :)

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Yea Rob, spirits, frequency ,energy. Think it is all the same realm in different words.

And along with this wrestling we are in, it is not the flesh and blood we wrestle against.

Apostle Paul was hip to the ways and left us lots of good advice.

Thanks for letting me contribute!!:)

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Maybe it's not about keeping us safe.

Perhaps it's about setting us up to be liable to harassment for ignoring official notices in the future.

It almost looks like they're preparing for official orders delivered electronically to have the legal force of a legal order from the administrative branch of government, and therefore non-compliance might make people subject to law enforcement 'intervention'.

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Oh yeah Perplexity. The hole just gets deeper and deeper. Australia sure got a taste of this during their tyrannical "lock down" didn't they? If they didn't respond to a message on their mobile device from "authorities" and let them (the "authorities") know exactly where they were the police were dispatched. People just don't realize where we're headed. Sigh. Thanks for checking in with The Rumble Strip. :)

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And here I wondered if maybe I was being a little paranoid about something that's already been test-driven down under. eep

Thanks for keeping up the struggle against insane odds.

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I'm so with you on this!

But here's another solution: Dump the cell phones and shut down the gd towers. That alone could probably save MILLIONS of lives, even if those lives are slowly ebbing away (frogs in the pot).

And remember (if you're not so young) when we used RADIOS?

We got "emergency tests" on our radios. No 5G needed. No tracking us, zapping us, etc etc.

I want public phone booths back.

I want the trees and bees to survive.

I want to stop the slow degradation of my body to STOP. (Yes, NATURAL degradation is a given, but...!)

When will people wake the hell up? I am actually losing faith that they will. Most people just tune it out, as it were. But some of us are affected more easily. I can tell you, it's HELL being cooked slowly.

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