Oct 29, 2023·edited Oct 29, 2023Liked by Rob D

Yep, a lot of what we see is bullshit or out of context.

However, I'm shocked at the poor planning and low quality of propaganda.

You would think in the day and age of deep fakes, they would be making high quality fakes instead of this disjointed crap.

Even the Syria faked gas attack was more believable than anything from Ukraine and the current middle east debacle.

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Yep. Maybe they're counting on the continuing decline in the people's ability to smell a rat?

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Amen! It's also important to understand that we have *absolutely no idea* of what is really going on over there. Some of the first combat images from Ukraine were from a video game. The infamous burnt Jewish babies picture was an AI fake. We don't really know anything.

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Exactly. Meanwhile, Rome is burning........ Thanks, as always, for checking out my post FRI. :)

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Oct 29, 2023Liked by Rob D

Prezactly, Rob! The crude, very crude, propaganda mechanisms being re-deployed every few months should NOT work. No sane adult should accept the never ending litany of "Be afraid. Be VERY afraid". Especially in view of the equally prolific flow of proofs that "they are lying".

In my nearly eight decades as an observer, I have witnessed the demise of meaningful education, the virtual elimination of the family farm, and the insidious capture of well over half of the economy by "public" entities.

The country, and the world, is more divided than perhaps at any time in history. Governments, all governments, no longer govern. "Democracies" and "republics" are being, or have been, replaced, everywhere, by totalitarian kleptocracies. And in recent years, of course, WE have abandoned the constitution, and ended of the rule of law - with the apparent goal being to eliminate the middle class. And we keep letting them do it!

The sky is NOT falling! But the evidence would seem to indicate that we think it is. The incessant barrage of lies seems to have been effective.

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Brilliant comment. Thanks AndyinBC!

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Great post, Rob. You can call me Mr. Neutral when it comes to taking sides on any of the fake psyops that Uncle Sam creates to bring forth greater fear and division within the population. I want no part of it. I choose not to live in the Matrix.

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Yes James Fillbird! I've been opting out of madness for many years now. I have no plans to jump on any bandwagons. It's one thing if my family or town is being threatened by a real, visible threat that is right on our doorstep. Another completely to experience the "threat" through the government mouthpiece that is today's "media". No thanks! Thanks for stopping by.

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I think there IS a "real threat," and that is two-fold: economic enslavement and destruction, coupled with 5G decimation. The rest of it might really be ALL bullshit! ;)

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Very nicely stated, Rob. We've been programmed for years to choose sides. You're either for the Yankees or the Red Sox...Democrats or Republicans...beer or wine...it goes on and on from the trivial to the more consequential. We absolutely have to be on the side of humanity in this one. It is quite clear from the historical events you referenced (and countless others) that the powers that be choose depravity, degradation, and death.

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Yes Pancake Princess! I tasted the Pepsi and the Coke and, to me, they taste about the same... like garbage! :) Thanks so much for stopping by.

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So many horrors to care about for a spell. Flags grow ragged, wind whipped on the Monster Truck doxing those who disagree. Each explosion stirring more rage and blood lust. There's no exit, no neutral station and the emergency stop is broken off.

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I'm with you!

And we need to be careful what we decide to believe, with all the fear tropes being rattled off all the time... I think the Evil Ones have FAR LESS ability to mess with us (in small ways, like poisoning the ENTIRE food supply, and "shedding" and so on...) than they pretend.

Cheers, m'dear. Great post.

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Oct 29, 2023Liked by Rob D

New reader first time poster. It has gotten so bad that I actually, purposely don’t upgrade, don’t used QR codes, don’t download apps, don’t upgrade apps, and buy books instead.while I try and read stuff on the internet its all BS, and under so many lies I have simply checked out.

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Welcome Pbr! We must commit to staying off of their "grid" in any way we can! Thanks for "checking out" with the rest of the sane people on the planet! :)

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Well written, but I would like to add a couple things;

1) We're (meaning at least the US) is still in Afghanistan. Not being there would be far better, but it's rich in lithium and the oligarchs need to have their electric cars.

However, I am willing to offer anyone who can hold onto the side of my Honda Civic at 70mph for one minute one hundred dollars.

2) 5G radio waves aren't harmful.

Have a lovely day everyone!

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