I still thank everyone. I usually get "no problem".. which funnily leads me to a long ago memory, so that I am always thinking when someone says No Problem they are saying No PLOBLEM.

many years ago (90's) we used to enjoy chinese food at a fun restaurant in town and I used to call the day before and let them know how big the group would be. The guy on the phone always said "no ploblem" so .... Just thinking, it seems No problem or Ploblem is the most common reply.

Back then I used to think it was kind of funny, instead of "you are welcome'

Also, perhaps now some people would rather get a participation trophy instead. :-P

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Mar 26Liked by Rob D

Good one again, Rob. There's definitely a decline in common courtesy and manners, and you hit all of the main factors that have contributed, imo, especially, A) Parents not teaching their kids. I hear you about miners. My last career, which ended due to a disability last June, was driving a tractor-trailer. Flatbed, Bulk Cement or most often Dump Trailer. I did that for 12 years, and hauled a lot of aggregates from mines to concrete/asphalt plants, construction sites, etc. I loved that job, partly because of exactly what you were saying about the comraderie, respect and courtesy of almost everyone. When I pulled into the quarry for the first load in the morning, it was always, over CB radio, ''Good Morning'' to the loader operator and ''Thank you'' after getting loaded. Not a lot of chit chat because, as you know, the operators have their hands and minds full. Each subsequent load, there was always a ''thank you.'' The loaders usually acknowledged by the CB, tap of the horn, or the best would be a friendly wave if we happened to make eye contact. Last load there was always a ''Have a good night, weekend, ride home, etc'' and a ''thanks a lot.'' And yes, a lot of ''Be Safe's,'' too! I would say the vast majority of the workers participated in that way of interacting. Loved it. One word about self-checkouts and kiosks. I avoid them like the plague. It actually annoys the @#^! out of me when I see people use them. Anyway, ''Thanks Rob!'' and ''Thanks'' to all of our commenters here.

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So true!

I've noticed the same, and it's weird. Sad. Kind of a "I'm a narcissist" button pinned onto the aura...

And I'm seeing, just below, Rosemary B's comment about the response, "No problem." Why would there be a PROBLEM? You ask a clerk to help you find something, or whatever, and you get "No problem"? It's quite bizarre, even though a lot of the young people (yeah, I'm old enough to be irritated by that response) seem to be perfectly decent in their sincerity and attitude, etc.

It's SUBTLE, sort of, unless you're old enough to remember "You're welcome!" or, Dog forbid, "My pleasure!"

Just a side note, because it's funny, at an Asian food restaurant, and not to be racist, but because I'm such a WORD HEAD, the customer said, "Thank you for such good service!" And the waiter replied, bless him, "The pressure is mine." ;)

Cheers, Rob D! And... Thanks for this post! If you say "No problem" I will bite your left bootock.

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The lack of respect starts at the top.

The government and the royals have no respect for humanity.

People's morals generally are being eroded.

Being poisoned and injected and locked down and being treated like lepers doesn't do much for warm feelings towards others

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Mar 25Liked by Rob D


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