"First man was invited to harmonize with nature, then he harnessed nature, then he controlled nature, then he dominated nature and then he destroyed nature and ended up destroying himself!" Dovidw

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We ain't dead yet! Now let the women lead the men to their souls... xo

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"A Woman's highest calling is to lead a Man to his Soul so as to unite him with SOURCE.

A Man's highest calling is to protect Woman so that She is free to walk on the earth UNHARMED."

Cherokee Proverb.

"Many parents expend significant amounts of money showering their children with all sorts of physical objects by way of demonstrating their love for their children, not realizing that many years later now as adults they will expend significant amounts of money on therapy sessions in order to discover why they were unloved as children." Dovidw

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Thanks Rob, some real beauties there. I only wish I could remeber them when I need them in conversation. I've just finished reading George Orwell's Homage to Catalonia. The way he describes the goings on regarding how the Comminists turned on the Anarchists is laden with awesome quote material that is so relevant to the times we are going through now. Now I just have go and read it again to find what he said. I think I need to start reading these book with a highlighter

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I've never read that, but I probably should. I've been revisiting some of the X-Files lately. Man! I can't believe how much in that series is spot on. Was that show written by the CIA? Ha. Incredible stuff. Yeah, I don't remember quotes when I *need* them either. I don't carry a cell phone, but i do have one, and what I do is use it kind of like a notepad and when I hear or read a quote I hurry and put it in the notepad on the phone and then, once in awhile, I read through them. Thanks for stopping by! :)

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I’ve recently just finished the first series of X-Files having not watched it for 25 odd years. I was saying to the wife “Thats actually true” all the time. I couldn’t watch any more though, I was Xfiled out.

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Yes! I find it hard to 'binge" watch the X-Files and I have to put it aside and come back to it later. Maybe it's because so much of it really is true!

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There's only so much truth pain one can take in a single sitting

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Love the Teal’c one. Stargate did have a lot of simple yet profound lessons of life.

Another good show to get quotes from is Westworld.

They dig deep into the idea of what it is to really be oneself, which is what Teal’c said!

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Teal'c is my favorite character. I think we mentioned him in another post of mine about a year ago or so.... I couldn't get into Westworld, but I may revisit it some time down the road. My tastes change as the world evolves (or devolves!). Thanks Rob (c137)! :)

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The start is a little confusing because it's showing memories of experiences out of order.

Season 2 is also confusing because it does the same thing from another perspective.

Season 3 and 4 go into the transhumanism and AI issues within society.

Here's some of my favorite scenes as a teaser:

Bicameral mind and the voice of 'god'


Dr Ford explains Michaelangelo's painting... God represents the mind


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eeeks! Haha. Yeah, I need to put this on my list for this winter. Anthony Hopkins... chilling as always. Thanks for sharing those clips.

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"When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living within society, they create for themselves over time, a legal system that endorses it and a moral code that glorifies it!" Francis Bastiast.

"Life is difficult." M. Scott-Peck, opening line "The Road Less Travelled

Those who are sane in an insane society are themselves, by definition insane!" Jiddu Krishnamurti

"You get up on your little 21" screen and howl about America and democracy. There is no America, there is no democracy there is only IBM, ITT, AT&T, Dupont, Dow, Union Carbide and Exxon! Those are the nations of the world!" Boardroom scene, of the Movie Network by Paddy Chayefsky

"The successful raising of children is arguably the most demanding, the most challenging but ultimately the most rewarding of all human endeavors" Dovidw

"No society can ever claim to be successful unless there is a universal acceptance by its' citizens to acknowledge and adhere to a lethally accurate, finely tuned moral compass." Dovidw

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Thanks for the contribution Dovid! Excellent. :)

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Thanks for the endorsement, Rob!

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I love quotes too. I used to collect them, some funny ones some witty ones, and print them out on paper with two columns. I used to put them, and other ideas for thoughts into my daughter's lunch boxes .... started that when they were in kindergarten.

I still have them in a folder somewhere

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What a great idea. It's amazing how a person can just be reading or listening to something and a quote will just "hit the spot" intellectually and emotionally. Thanks as always Rosemary B. :)

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There's a whole lotta ROBS in here, LOL. Hey, dudes. Brothers from other mothers!

I like these kinds of posts, I like quotes and that.

You left out one quote, tho, from me: "Woof!"

Heh heh harf!

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.A Woman's highest calling is to lead a Man to his Soul so as to unite him with SOURCE.

A Man's highest calling is to protect Woman so that She is free to walk on the earth UNHARMED.

Cherokee Proverb.

"Many parents expend significant amounts of money showering their children with all sorts of physical objects by way of demonstrating their love for their children, not realizing that many years later now as adults they will expend significant amounts of money on therapy sessions in order to discover why they were unloved as children." Dovidw

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In a preamble to a Bob Marley concert, 9tn. July 1979 at the Harvard Stadium, Boston, Dick Gregory addressed the crowd and I offer you, in paraphrase how he ended his speech. "If I were to tell you that the number one problem in America today is racism, or sexism or if I were to tell you the number one problem in this country today is the hungry or the gap between the rich and poor. If those were the problems we could fix them. No, the number one problem in America today is that it is morally and spiritually bankrupt!" That was stated nearly a half century ago!

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Jun 27Liked by Rob D

All you binge series folks, have you ever watched a series called "Babylon 5"?

It's one of our all-time favorites around our house.

A quote I loved from the show:

"If you're falling off a cliff, you may as well try to fly. " [Captain John Sheridan, quoting his dad]

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Wow! I haven't seen you in ages Perplexity. Oh yes, I own that series. Some people don't like it because it does require some thought. I actually prefer SciFi that requires a bit of thought. Thanks for stopping by! :)

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Jun 27Liked by Rob D

PS, happy to hear you like B5 as well!

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Jun 27Liked by Rob D

I'm glad you're still at it, Rob! I'm not online much these days, as I used to read my substacks on my phone, but now my left eye can't see close-up clearly anymore, so I end up with a headache from clenching it closed. (I foolishly got cataract and glaucoma surgery on the left eye -- glad I realized the problem early enough to cancel the surgery on my right eye!)

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Oh goodness. I'm sorry to hear that! I spoke with a person yesterday who had severe glaucoma but could at least see. They had surgery on both of her eyes and now she can barely see at all. She said it's like looking at a big ball of black all the time. I felt so bad for her. Yeah, eye surgery isn't for everyone is it? I'm glad you decided to cancel your surgery. Maybe down the road when the tech gets a bit better?

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Jun 27Liked by Rob D

Sorry to hear the person you spoke with had an even worse outcome!

I doubt if I will be going back to the same folks for the other eye, should I decide to opt for surgery in that one too. It was an actual ophthalmologist(MD) who owns the surgery center and did the left eye surgery. Years of experience, and all that. Ha!

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Jun 20Liked by Rob D

Thank you for sharing!

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